Unknown Ways To keep The Teeth Healthy

Published:September 21st, 2011

Unknown Ways To keep The Teeth Healthy

Everyone knows that sugar contributes to the decay of the teeth but there are unknown ways to keep the teeth healthy. Avoiding sugar is not a sure way to avoid cavities. There is a lot of food out there that has a lot of sucrose, a form of granulated sugar. There is a lot of food that tastes sweet but is not “dangerous” for the teeth.

Click here for more recommendations on what food to eat for healthy teeth.

Unknown Ways To keep The Teeth Healthy: Minimize Pastries

Drop by Starbucks and you will be given a host sugar-free cookies and pastries. The untold story is that starches and cereals are major tooth decay contributor. When starches are mixed the saliva, it specifically reacts with amylase, a component of the saliva. These will produce a kind of acid that could destroy the mineral of the teeth. When the mineral is gone, it is easier for the teeth to decay.

The best way to make sure the starch doesn’t add any damage to your teeth is to brush your teeth after taking in starch or cereals and floss.

Unknown Ways To Keep The Teeth Healthy: Avoid Dried and Other Processed Fruits

Another one of the many unknown ways to keep your keep your teeth healthy is minimize intake of dried fruits. Fresh fruit is a really healthy addition in the diet. There are people that survive with nothing but fruits and they remain healthy but dried fruit is a different story. It is high on concentrated sugar that really sticks to the teeth. Even powder juices also contribute to tooth decay in huge amounts. Even those unsweetened fruit juices are not as healthy as juicing the fruit yourself. Everything that is packaged or bottled has preservatives and preservatives are teeth enemies.

Unknown Ways To Keep The Teeth Healthy: Recommendations

So there are two simple but unknown ways to keep the teeth healthy. Minimize your intake of starch that is found on breads or pastries. If you are taking them, choose wheat breads and brush your teeth after. Next, processed fruits in any shape or form must be minimised. Remember that anything is packaged contains preservatives and preservatives can destroy the teeth.

If you have any tips on unknown ways to keep the teeth healthy, drop us a message.

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