Ten Great Reasons for Using a Home Teeth Whitening Kit This Winter

Fotolia_6959657_Subscription_XLWinter can be a dingy time and the long dark days can soon dampen the most cheerful of personalities. One easy way to give yourself a boost is to use a home teeth whitening kit. These are easy-to-use and can …

What is Tooth Enamel Erosion and How Does it Affect Tooth Colour?

teeth-sensitivityTooth enamel erosion is something that is worth taking seriously, especially if you’d like your teeth to look their best and to remain strong and healthy for longer. Your teeth are covered in a tough layer of enamel which is …

New Research Warns of the Dangers of High Acidity Drinks

Image Credit: theage.com.au

Image Credit: theage.com.au

Recent research carried out in Australia has found popular drinks, including fruit juices, soft drinks and sports drinks can be a triple threat to teeth. The study centred on the way these drinks can affect children and …

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Teeth Whitening?

Fotolia_6959657_Subscription_XLPerhaps you’re toying with the idea of whitening your teeth but are still trying to decide if it’s worthwhile. We’ve put together a few pros and cons of tooth whitening to help you make your decision.

When you smile at …

Are Your Teeth Looking Their Best for National Smile Month?

foodforhealthyIt’s National Smile Month from 19th of May to 20th June, so is your smile looking its best? If not this could be the month to decide to make a change. National Smile Month has been running for 40 years …

What are the Quickest and Easiest Ways to Improve Your Smile?

DaffodilWith spring almost here, it is a great time to look at how to improve your smile, and there are lots of quick and easy cosmetic dentistry techniques that need not cost a lot of money.

Basic Everyday Hygiene
The …

Looking Long in the Tooth? Gum Recession and Its Effects on Your Teeth

Dental examination uid 1426693Have you noticed you look a little longer in the tooth than you remember? If so then your gums have probably receded. This is the process whereby the gum margins pull away from the tooth, exposing more of the tooth …

Hate Exercising? Learn How It Could Help Your Gum Health

Image courtesy of Pawel KryjWe are nearly a couple of weeks into the New Year, and while many of us will have started out with intentions to exercise more frequently and to eat healthy foods this resolve might have begun to wane. Most people …

Getting Your Smile Ready for the Holiday Season

Image Courtesy of BIlly Alexander DesignIt is almost the party season when most of us want to make sure we look our best. It is likely that part of your preparations may include a few extra sessions in the gym, and a shopping trip for …

Nanodiamonds Could Put a Sparkle in Your Smile

Image courtesy of Alicia SolarioEvery girl knows diamonds are forever, and although they’re more traditionally used in jewellery than in teeth, a recent study has shown they could really put a sparkle in your smile. Researchers from the UCLA School of Dentistry in collaboration …

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