Hate Exercising? Learn How It Could Help Your Gum Health

Published:January 11th, 2014

Image courtesy of Pawel KryjWe are nearly a couple of weeks into the New Year, and while many of us will have started out with intentions to exercise more frequently and to eat healthy foods this resolve might have begun to wane. Most people will want to exercise to lose weight and improve appearance, but in the past research has shown people who exercise regularly and who maintain a normal weight and healthy lifestyle are 40% less likely to develop gum disease. Those who are most at risk are inactive middle-aged men.

The most recent research into the subject took place at Hannover Medical School and assessed 72 otherwise healthy men aged between 45 and 65 who had predominantly sedentary jobs and who didn’t participate in any type of sporting activity. The results of the research showed low levels of physical activity combined with increasing age were associated with moderate to severe gum disease.

Healthy Gums Support Your Teeth
It is certainly good incentive for keeping up with that exercise program, and healthy gums support your teeth. There’s no point in spending money whitening your teeth if your gums aren’t healthy, and it’s highly likely that home whitening kits will simply aggravate the condition even more. You may well find the whole process quite unpleasant as the whitening gel is more able to penetrate your gums, increasing the likelihood of sensitivity and pain.

The Problems with Snacking at Your Desk
One of the problems with having an inactive job is that it can often be easy to snack on crisps and chocolates and sweet sugary drinks, especially at this time of year when the weather is particularly grotty and it’s easiest to stay inside during lunch hours. Constantly grazing on food at your desk might seem a harmless habit, but in fact the opposite is true. Constant snacking raises the acidity levels in the mouth for longer periods of time, so it’s more likely that your tooth enamel will become weaker and more susceptible to tooth decay, and the increasing numbers of bacteria raised the risk of gum disease as they will continuously irritate and inflame the gums.

Most people will have some form of gum disease at some stage during their lifetime, but it’s a major cause of tooth loss and even worse the early symptoms are very easy to miss. If you’ve noticed your gums bleed slightly whenever you brush or floss then it’s all too easy to ignore it and think perhaps you’ve brushed a bit too hard or that if you stop flossing for a few days then it’ll go away. Although brushing your teeth too hard can make gums bleed, it’s more likely to be down to them becoming infected and inflamed. Failing to floss will make the problem even worse.

The Solution
If you’ve noticed your gums begin to bleed when you brush then it’s time to stop putting it off and to visit your dentist. They’ll soon be able to diagnose whether or not you have any signs of gum disease and can recommend appropriate treatment. Professional dental cleanings will help remove the infection enabling your gums to heal. If you leave the disease to progress than you’re likely to need much more intensive treatment. Once your gums are healthy you’ll be able to whiten safely.

About the author

Alison, is a UK born and educated dental professional with over 25 years experience.

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