Comments on: How To Get Over Your Fear of the Dentist Thu, 03 May 2012 12:22:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jason Thu, 03 May 2012 12:22:11 +0000 If you get anxious about going to the dentist does that constitute fear? I get anxious when I go to any doctor or dentist because I am afraid they are going to tell me bad news that I would be better off not knowing about. I think sometimes people are ok with how they feel until the doctor tells them they are sick and then they go down hill quick.

By: Kerry Thu, 03 May 2012 12:22:09 +0000 I honestly think I fear the dentist because every time I go he tells me bad news about my teeth that’s going to cost me a fortune or he ends up hurting me. The mouth has so many nerves in it that it isn’t even funny and it’s real easy to hit a nerve or make you bleed. That’s why I don’t like going to the dentist, that and I can’t afford it.

By: Mark Wed, 02 May 2012 09:57:42 +0000 I suppose everyone has their own unique and personal reasons for being afraid of the dentist. Some people fear pain so much that they dread the thought of getting pinched by a long needle – even if it means sedating any discomfort from the dental procedure. For others, it is the thought of having their tooth pulled by a pair of pliers. Such thoughts are nothing more than stereo typical ideas and not realistic of today’s technology.

By: Darlene Tue, 01 May 2012 21:15:51 +0000 About the only things I fear about the dentist are one, the bill I might have to pay (despite my having a dental plan) after I make my first visit to the dentist since over twenty years. I have a few tiny cavity holes on several teeth and I am worried about how much I’m going to have to pay for five to eight fillings. My other fear is ever having to have a root canal.

By: William Mon, 30 Apr 2012 13:27:57 +0000 I hate the dentist because it seems like no matter what they do my mouth hurts for two days after the visit. Even when they do nothing but clean them they end up cutting my gums and they are sore for days afterwards. Not to mention not every company offers dental insurance and just a simple cleaning can be something you end up paying on for months.

By: Christine Mon, 30 Apr 2012 13:27:56 +0000 You are absolutely right the dentist is messing around in one of the most sensitive spots on your body and they don’t seem to bother to take it easy when they are in there working. I was at a dentist getting a filling repaired that had fallen out and the dentist had my mouth wide open for hours. Finally something popped in my cheek and it was swollen for a couple of days afterwards.

By: Dennis Mon, 30 Apr 2012 13:23:15 +0000 I know that my fear of the dentist came from a childhood experience just like Sandra said in her first comment but as she stated in her second comment as well the expense of the dentist is really what keeps me from going to the dentist on a regular basis. I would love to be able to go in every few months and get my teeth cleaned to prevent cavities and things.

By: Sandra Thu, 26 Apr 2012 14:06:19 +0000 I don’t think my putting off going to the dentist has anything to do with a fear it is mainly because they are so expensive and I can’t afford to go to one on a regular basis. It’s true I don’t like pain but that isn’t a fear. If they didn’t think that their treatments were gold and the prices should reflect that I would go on a regular basis and avoid emergencies all together.

By: Sandra Thu, 26 Apr 2012 13:57:12 +0000 Every person’s fears of the dentist are Normal. Fear of dentists is very common. Let’s face it — going to the dentist is not fun; dentists do poke and prod a sensitive area of your body. Often an upsetting childhood dental experience has lasting effects into adulthood. Sometimes people “inherit” fears from parents, whose experiences with dentists may have been traumatic. But dentists are better trained today and have tools and techniques to minimize discomfort.
